Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back in the workforce...

So I knew this day would eventually come, the day I went back to work.  My children are in 5th and 2nd grade, so it was time to look for a part-time job.  I wasn't looking for many hours, just something to fill some of my daytime hours, and to bring home a little money.  It seems as the kids grow older, the expenses keep growing!

I have always loved reading, and the library is one of my favorite places.  I decided to fill out an application, had an interview, and was hired!  I will be working one day a week, and every other Saturday.  As of now, I am not sure if it will always be the same week day, or if that will change.  Regardless, I am excited, and just a tad nervous.  But as I mentioned, I feel very comfortable and at home at the library, so it should be a good fit!

Which brings me back to my title...I start today, in 45 minutes to be exact!  Two days this week and 3 days next will consist of training, then I will hopefully be settling in to a routine, a normal schedule.

So wish me luck, and say a prayer!  And keep an eye out for my next book review!  I have connections now, after all!

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